Tom Campbell's Model of Consciousness: Exploring the Levels in "My Big TOE"

Tom Campbell, a physicist and consciousness researcher, introduced a comprehensive model of consciousness in his trilogy "My Big TOE" (Theory of Everything), where he explores the nature of existence from a scientific and metaphysical perspective. Campbell's model presents consciousness as a fundamental aspect of reality, structured in various levels that represent different states of awareness and realms of existence. This post delves into Campbell's model of consciousness levels, comparing them to scientific concepts and literature where applicable.

Overview of Tom Campbell's Consciousness Model

Campbell proposes that consciousness is not a product of the physical world but rather the basis of all reality. His model outlines a hierarchy of consciousness levels, with each level representing a broader scope of awareness and understanding:

  1. Individual Consciousness: At the base level, individual consciousness is akin to our everyday waking state, where awareness is focused on the physical world and personal ego. This state corresponds to the beta brainwave state in scientific terms, associated with active, engaged thinking and interaction with the physical environment.

  2. Local Consciousness System (LCS): This level expands beyond the individual to include a collective or group consciousness, where individuals can connect and interact on a deeper, more intuitive level. It's analogous to the alpha brainwave state, which is associated with relaxed awareness, meditation, and heightened creativity.

  3. Non-Physical Matter Reality (NPMR): Beyond the local consciousness, NPMR represents non-physical dimensions where consciousness exists free from the limitations of the physical universe. This level might correlate with the theta and delta brainwave states, which are linked to deep meditation, trance states, and profound spiritual experiences.

  4. The Big Computer (TBC): Campbell describes TBC as a higher-order consciousness system that processes and integrates information from all levels of reality. While there is no direct scientific equivalent, this concept might be seen as representing the universal or cosmic consciousness proposed in various spiritual traditions, encompassing all knowledge and experience across time and space.

  5. The Absolute Unbounded Oneness (AUO): At the highest level, AUO represents the ultimate state of being and consciousness, where all distinctions between self and other, physical and non-physical, are transcended. This state is beyond conventional brainwave states and reflects the concept of oneness found in many mystical and spiritual teachings.

Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives

While Campbell’s model is metaphysical in nature, it intersects with scientific ideas in the study of consciousness, quantum physics, and cosmology. His theory suggests that reality is fundamentally informational and consciousness-based, resonating with the participatory anthropic principle in cosmology and quantum mechanics' observer effect.

Integrating Campbell’s Model with Modern Research

Campbell's work challenges the traditional materialistic paradigm, proposing that consciousness is the primary reality from which the physical universe emerges. This perspective invites a broader scientific exploration of consciousness, encouraging interdisciplinary research that spans physics, psychology, and metaphysics.


Tom Campbell’s "My Big TOE" presents a multi-level model of consciousness that integrates scientific knowledge with metaphysical exploration, offering a framework for understanding the diverse aspects of consciousness and reality. While his model extends beyond the current scientific mainstream, it provides a provocative and comprehensive perspective on the nature of existence, encouraging further inquiry and integration of consciousness studies in scientific research.


  • Campbell, T. (2007). My Big TOE: Awakening. Lightning Strike Books.

  • Campbell, T. (2007). My Big TOE: Discovery. Lightning Strike Books.

  • Campbell, T. (2007). My Big TOE: Inner Workings. Lightning Strike Books.


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