10 Pointers to Experiencing True Nature as Effortless Awareness

Here are ten pointers that function like koans or direct inquiries, guiding you toward the realization of your true self:

1. Be Still and Know

Sit quietly and turn your attention inward. Let go of all thoughts and simply be. In this stillness, recognize the presence that is always there—effortless awareness.

2. Who Am I?

Ask yourself, "Who am I?" repeatedly. Let the question sink deeply without seeking an intellectual answer. Allow the inquiry to reveal the silent awareness that is your true nature.

3. The Witness of Thoughts

Observe your thoughts as they arise and pass away. Notice that there is a witnessing presence aware of these thoughts. This presence is your true self, beyond the mind.

4. What is Aware of This Moment?

In any given moment, ask yourself, "What is aware of this?" This question redirects your attention to the awareness itself, rather than the objects of awareness.

5. The Space Between Thoughts

Pay attention to the gaps between your thoughts. In these moments of silence, notice the ever-present awareness that is untouched by mental activity.

6. Neti Neti (Not This, Not That)

Engage in the practice of negation: "I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not my emotions." By systematically negating all that you are not, what remains is your true nature—pure awareness.

7. The Unchanging Observer

Reflect on the fact that everything in your experience changes—thoughts, emotions, sensations—but there is something that remains constant. This unchanging observer is your true self.

8. The Mirror Metaphor

Consider a mirror that reflects various images. The images change, but the mirror itself remains unchanged. Likewise, your true nature is like the mirror—unchanging awareness reflecting all experiences.

9. The Sound of One Hand Clapping

This classic koan invites you to look beyond logical thinking. It points to the direct experience of reality beyond dualistic concepts. Rest in the silence where this sound is "heard."

10. Effortless Being

Recognize that awareness is always present without any effort on your part. You do not need to do anything to be aware. Rest in this effortless being and realize it as your true nature.


These pointers are designed to guide you toward a direct experience of your true nature as effortless awareness. They function like non-dual koans, inviting you to look beyond the surface of your mind and discover the underlying reality of who you are. Engage with them patiently and persistently, and allow them to reveal the peace and clarity of your true self.


Resting in Effortless Awareness Rather Than the Ego


Surrender: Abiding in Effortless Awareness, Not Blind Acceptance